Tuesday, 4 December
Prospero House, 241 Borough High Street, London SE1 1GA
The way we communicate is ever-evolving, requiring communication professionals to continuously rethink, redesign and re-evaluate how we can successfully plan, reach and deliver effective and efficient internal communications.
Hear from leading experts on successfully driving change through internal communications, creating and developing an internal communications strategy, gaining actionable audience insight, cutting through the noise and engaging with your audience fast, getting your foot in the boardroom board, communicating organisational change and disruptive technology, the future of internal communications.
Designed for the public sector and not-for-profits, all sessions will keep in mind constrained budgets.
Join your colleagues and peers and harness the latest tools, techniques and strategies to deliver internals communications that are clear, effective and inspire your audience at The 2nd Annual Public Sector Internal Communications Conference.
Visit the event web page for information and booking